Need a Beachbody Coach?


How much does it cost to have a personal Beachbody Coach?
Why do I need a Beachbody Coach?
Why should I make you my Coach?
Can I sign you as my Coach?
What if I already have a Coach, but I would rather you coach me?

How much does it cost to have a personal Beachbody Coach?

Team Beachbody Coaches were once starting out on their personal fitness journeys just like you are now, and  we owe our success to coaches that came before us.  Coaching is just something that comes natural.  We don't charge one cent for our services.  It's our way to pay the favor forward and to help end the trend of obesity in America.

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Why do I need a Beachbody Coach?

The reason Beachbody programs work so well is the support and accountability you get from from Team Beachbody Coaches.  Get to know your coach.  You will find that they truly want you succeed in your goals to get fit and healthy.  A Team Beachbody Coach will help you get the most out of your Beachbody program.

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Why should I make you my Coach?

I was once overweight and miserable, and my health was going downhill fast, but thanks to programs like P90X, Insanity, and The Beachbody Ultimate Reset and supplements like Shakeology, I regained my health and I am now in the best shape of my life.  I know what it feels like to try all of the "solutions" out there only to fail time and time again.  I can show you what REALLY works, and support you every step of the way.

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Can I sign you as my Coach?

I would be honored to assist you in your fitness journey.  I get more inspiration helping others get fit than you will ever get from me.  It is my personal ministry to see that you get healthy and happy.  To do this Sign up here for free.

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What if I already have a Coach, but I would rather you coach me?

Sometimes the relationship you may have with your current coach just isn't working.  It nothing personal, people are different and sometimes things just don't work out.  To switch from your current coach to me, you will need to Email Me for instructions, but I would hope that you have tried every effort to try to connect with your current coach to get help.  If so, and it still isn't working out, please contact me.

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